
The Power of Investing in Workers’ Growth

In today’s rapidly changing world, the backbone of every successful organization remains the same—its people. As we honor workers across industries, it’s vital to recognize the tremendous value they bring every day and the transformative impact that investing in their growth can have. By upskilling employees and creating pathways for upward mobility, organizations not only […]

Empowering A Community Through Digital Learning: A Library-Ed Tech Partnership

The Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) has been on an exciting journey to expand access to education and literacy resources for a diverse community. Over the last decade, they’ve partnered with Cell-Ed, to bring mobile-based English language learning to adult learners across Los Angeles.   This partnership has allowed the library to reach beyond the […]

Welcome Start: A New Program for A New Start

As one of the most popular refugee resettlement destinations in the country, California is now home to 37% of Afghan refugees and 15% of Ukrainian refugees. Now is as good a time as any to reflect on what we and other community providers are doing as administrators and leaders to help cultivate a sense of […]

Uncommon Partnerships to Empower Adult Learners

Education is a crucial step in improving the lives of the 1 in 3 adults in the U.S. who still struggle with basic functional and digital literacy skills. Unfortunately, it’s these very skills that they need to find, access, and comprehend information digitally in order to take advantage of essential services available to them.    […]

Seven Tips for a Successful Social Program

Social initiatives have immense power to positively impact the most underserved communities in our world. At Cell-Ed, we have had the great privilege of helping populations in need and transforming the lives of more than 10 million people with our mobile learning solutions, while also discovering exactly what it is that makes these social programs […]